1703 Art Fair team shares experience at the «Russian Creative Week — Siberia» forum

On 24 November, the Forum hosted a discussion on ‘Creating a large-scale cultural project through the example of the 1703 Contemporary Art Fair, experience from St. Petersburg’. The panelists discussed how to find and develop a city's request into a successful cultural project, what difficulties the team should be ready for on its way, as well as the issues of art fair development in different regions.

The successful case of the 1703 Art Fair in St. Petersburg catalysed a number of positive changes in the cultural and social life of the city. For anyone planning to launch new creative initiatives, the panelists recommended studying the relevant experience of colleagues in Russia and abroad, clearly defining the concept and audience of the project, and looking for different approaches with partners.

Art fairs today are not only a meeting place for a closed club of art connoisseurs, but also large-scale venues offering a wide range of contemporary art to a variety of audiences. Galleries confirm this thesis by offering affordable works on their stands, and fair organisers by integrating lectures, discussions and mediations open to the public into the programme of events.

The discussion was moderated by Alisa Presnetsova, Director of 1703 Art Fair.

The speakers were Alena Platonova, technical director of 1703 Art Fair, Kristina Berezovskaya, collector, founder and head of KGallery, Olga Profatilo, curator and co-founder of MYTH Gallery, and Anna Yalova, director of Manege Central Exhibition Hall.

The main theses of the roundtable are available here: https://telegra.ph/Rossijskaya-kreativnaya-nedelya--Sibir-11-24.


The 1703 St. Petersburg Art Fair was initiated by Gazprom PJSC and has been held since 2022. The project is aimed at propagating contemporary arts, developing the collecting practices and bringing together members of the artistic community.